Joint Workshop organized by project FRiDGE offers Good Practices to help local companies reach new markets
A survey performed in the FRiDGE regions shows consistent results amongst micro- and small SMEs across Europe. 120 companies were asked to identify key challenges related to market innovation and productivity helping the partnership to gain a better understanding of the interregional needs for capacity building.
Last Update: Tuesday, 06 April 2021
Prof. Dr. Hans de Steur from Ghent University gave a detailed overview of the most important drivers and barriers providing vital background information for determining the proposed interventions in our Action Plans. Granting better financial and marketing support seem to be the two most significant focus point for SMEs.
Partners could certainly learn from the results of the study and the Good Practices presented during the Workshop gave a plenty of food for thought and action to advance market reach opportunities with improved local initiatives in the partner regions.
Such tools as local food brands and labels are quite easy to implement and correspond to the capabilities and nature of local authorities. They also come in different flavours and all offer slightly different perspectives and activities presenting valuable experience for all partners. With our everyday lives still overshadowed by COVID-19, online platforms facilitating B2B and B2C relations are also very relevant and can make up for lost markets.
This Workshop was originally planned to take place in Upper Franconia, Germany, in the lovely city of Kulmbach. The FRiDGE partnership still hopes to gain a more personal experience of the region, but still was able to connect to the Cluster for Nutrition from Bavaria and learn about their aims and activities.
Our next Joint Workshop will be organized by our partner from Romania, the Harghita County Council.
Further info on the SME study and results.
Further info on the Good Practice Presentations.
Miercurea-Ciuc, 30.11.2020.
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